
mario fraioli | the morning shakeout

Discover what’s possible through the lens of running with training tips, workouts, and other bits of goodness from coach Mario Fraioli. Every Tuesday morning, Mario shares his unapologetically subjective take on things that interest, inform, inspire, or entertain him in some way.

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the morning shakeout | issue 454

We spotted the oceanAt the head of the trailWhere are we goin'So far away? And somebody told meThat this is the placeWhere everything's betterAnd everything's safe. Good morning! I’m still trying to slow things down a bit over here—an active process, if there ever was one—and I’d say that, so far, I’ve been moderately successful in my quest. From the end of May through early July it felt like I was trying to keep a dozen or so balls up in the air while simultaneously playing a relentless game...

Serenity now—well, this past Saturday morning, actually, but you get the idea. (Shot on my iPhone) Good morning! Life came at me fast the first half of 2024 and I’m going to spend the rest of July trying to slow it down a bit. While I’m busy doing that, here’s a roundup of things that I’ve read, listened to, or watched recently that you might find interesting, entertaining, and/or insightful. Enjoy! Quick Splits — This is a great interview with Mike Smith, coach of Northern Arizona University...

Not a bad place to stop and take in a mid-run view. (Shot on my iPhone) Good morning! My wife, dog, and I are laying low in the high-altitude environs of the Sierra Nevada this week enjoying a midsummer recharge of sorts. Let’s get right to it. Quick Splits — Mark Coogan, coach of Team New Balance Boston and a two-time guest on the morning shakeout podcast, recently had a conversation with hosts Ross Tucker and Mike Finch on The Real Science of Sport podcast and it was an excellent listen....

A rare Monday on the track yesterday with some of my friends from Precision Fuel and Hydration. Good morning! A few months from now the morning shakeout will turn nine years old. Over the years I’ve tried a bunch of different things in terms of mediums, formats, content, branding, sponsorship and support models, merchandise, etc., but the core of what I do here, i.e. sharing things that have intrigued, inspired, informed, or entertained me in some way, has remained consistent since Issue 1....

Lots to see along the lakefront in Chicago this past Sunday. (Shot on my iPhone) Good morning! Ordinarily every 50th issue of the newsletter I publish what’s called the “State of the Shakeout,” which is essentially a year-over-yearish look at what’s changed, what remains the same, and what’s to come down the road. I’ve been traveling and focused on family matters the past few weeks so I’m punting that annual update to next Tuesday and am going quick and dirty in general with this week’s...

Not the Midwest. Good morning! I’ve been in the Midwest since last Thursday and will be here for another week. The reason for my visit isn’t an important detail. I haven’t been keeping a normal schedule since I got here, but I have gotten out to run nearly every morning, and managed to find some time yesterday to hammer out this week’s issue. In addition to the newsletter, I have a new episode of the podcast to share with you today as well. It’s my quarterly conversation with Like the Wind...

I spy a bridge. (Shot on my iPhone) Good morning! I’m still refilling my tank over here but the good news is there’s more gas in it than a week ago. Let’s dive right in. Quick Splits — Whether it’s running, your work, or some other pursuit that’s important to you, I think performance specialist Robert Wilson’s advice holds true when it comes to sustainable performance: Don’t major in the minors. What does he mean by this? In short, don’t let a fancy new coat of glossy paint distract you from...

Good morning. We had a family emergency last week, the details of which I’m not going to get into here. Thankfully we’re through the worst of it but the tank is low and the road ahead is going to be bumpy for a bit. I’ve always thought of this newsletter like a shakeout run with friends that I’m fortunate to lead every Tuesday. Some weeks, most weeks even, I’m pretty animated from the get-go and we tack on an extra mile or two at the end because we’re feeling pretty good and there’s a lot...

Christine and I enjoyed some urban trail running in San Francisco this past Sunday. The Sand Ladder coming up from Baker Beach is no joke! Good morning! My birthday was last Friday. I turned 42. Back in 2020 I started a collection of life lessons and every year I update it with a new one that I’ve been taught or learned myself, oftentimes the hard way. It was inspired by Kevin Kelly’s “68 Bits of Unsolicited Advice” and this annually updated post from my friend Chris Corbin. This year’s...

Good morning! I raced the USA Track & Field Masters 1-Mile Road Championships on Sunday, about an hour’s drive from my house. That last detail is noteworthy because I’m not sure I would have traveled out of state for the event, and I imagine the same holds true for most people who otherwise might have been interested in it. That said, we have a lot of strong runners over the age of 40 in our neck of the woods, more people than I thought came out from Southern California, the Pacific...